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Sunday, January 5, 2014

The high comedy of enviro-assclownism

Have you ever noticed that the disingenuous deceptions of the global warmies and other enviro-Nazis are transparent to everyone (with a brain) but them? They are the poster children of the folly of believing your own press. Their insidious inveiglement is so cleverly contrived that it even fools them into believing it. They are clowns who don’t know they are. It’s the irony of enviro-assclownism.

Speaking of climate-change ass-clowns, the recent Antarctic escapade is high comedy, innit? If you missed it, a bunch of them voyaged to the Antarctic to “prove” that the ice caps are disappearing, and got their ship frozen into the ice in the Antarctic mid-summer. Have you noticed that huge swaths of the mainstream media are somehow failing to mention that the reason those enviro-jerks were there in the first place was to gather more “evidence” (which they're only too happy to cherry-pick in support of their fantasies) for Climate Change™?

And have you noticed their strategic shift in propagandistic terminology? It was in 2009 that “climategate” occurred, wherein a bevy of emails between the global warming movers and shakers revealed their deliberate conspiracy to cherry-pick the data so as to reinforce the anthropogenic global warming hoax. In a sinister master stroke worthy of Herr Goebbels, they shifted their mantra from “global warming” (which no honest interpretation of the data actually supports) to “climate change”.

See, in that way, they can blame any temporally localized shifts in temperature — increasing or decreasing — on whatever they want. Temperature goes up, it's anthropogenic. Oh, wait...the temperature is going down? No's still anthropogenic. No matter how you cut it or what the facts say, their no-win mentality insists that “we” are Destroying The Planet™. Actual truth is irrelevant. Only enviro-dogma is allowed. And they even have a name to condemn the worst heretics of all: “climate change deniers”. No one must blaspheme against The Consecrated Truth of The Church of the Most Sacred Greenage!

Oh, and when they say “we” are screwing up the planet, they mean everyone else, not them. They have a special enmity for those who love personal liberty and seek mutual prosperity for themselves and others through freedom of choice. And they are exceptionally hostile to the sanctity of personal property in all its forms, including the right not to have your life interfered with by their half-assed schemes, like wind turbines, and other engines of anti-progress.

Hatred, envy, and the command and control mentality is the foundation of their Weltanschauung — aided and abetted, as always, by all the political coercion they can muster as weapon-by-state-proxy on their own behalf. Any decent humanoid with an ounce of rational and moral sense should recognize that they are, therefore, ultimately doomed to fail in the marketplace of human interaction. In the long run, hatred is the seed of its own failure.

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